Frances Lester Studio Jewellery
Frances Lester Studio Jewellery Tel 1: 020 8979 2128
Tel 2: 01873 821 352


Frances Lester is a studio jeweller based in the UK who works to commission as well as producing several standard ranges of which stock is usually held, enabling items to be purchased at any time.

Silver, gold and gemstones are the primary materials used in her work, but she is also experienced in using others, including hardwoods . Frances Lester jewellery may be found in various galleries and exhibitions including the Court Cupboard Gallery, Abergavenny and Waterside Gallery in Milford Haven, as well as being comissioned or purchased directly. Estimated stock levels for some standard ranges can be checked using this website and Frances can be contacted using the details provided.

All Frances' work is appropriately hallmarked. Further information on hallmarks is provided by the Assay Office, London